MDS Help : Dashboard & Mediterranean Diet Score

1. Mediterranean Diet Score

The main feature of your Dashboard is the Mediterranean Diet Score.  Our goal is to help you improve your Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) Score by consuming:

• more vegetables,
• more legumes,
• more fruits and nuts,
• more whole grains,
• better quality oils and fats,
• less land animal protein, including meats and dairy,
• more seafood,
• and alcohol in moderation.

You can read more here:

Your score is based upon how the amount of these foods compares with the research about Mediterranean diet.

The score is calculated from the foods entered into your Food Diary. You can either manually enter those foods or they are automatically captured from the menus you create.

2. Ultra-processed Score

Your ultra processed score is based on research by Dr. Carlos Monteiro and colleagues that separates ingredients and food products into one of 4 categories. This is known as the Nova classification and the most ultra-processed is Nova Class 4.

Currently the application reports the percentage of Nova Class 4 and Nova Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 as a group. This is to help you understand the amounts of ultra-processed foods you are consuming. We are currently working on filters for the Nova Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 to give you a clear picture of what you are eating.

3. Date Range

You can select the date ranges to display your scores and your progress. This can be either today’s score or the last 7, 30, or 365 days.

You can also select a specific date range by entering dates in the From Date and To Date boxes and clicking Submit.

4. Nutrition Facts

The Nutrition Facts box displays your essential nutrients based on the date range you select.







How to Use Your Dashboard

About Your Mediterranean Diet Score

About the Ultraprocessed Score

How to use the My Recipes Box

Using Your Food Diary

Creating Your Menus

– – MDS Menus

– – Custom Menus

– – Event Menus

Using your Exercise Diary

My Account Settings

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