GERD / Acid Reflux Safe Recipes
GERD / Acid Reflux Safe Dessert Recipes
These recipes should not provoke GERD / Acid Reflux / heartburn. Most of these recipes do not contain known GERD triggers. However, in many cases those with GERD / Acid Reflux will be able to tolerate small amounts of these known triggers, and those recipes with small amounts of GERD triggers are noted. Similarly, some recipes will be more likely to provoke symptoms when they are eaten in larger portions; these are also noted.
Foods and ingredients that trigger GERD / Acid Reflux / heartburn symptoms vary from person to person. While to the best of our knowledge these recipes should not trigger symptoms, only you know what foods are triggers for you. Keep a food diary so that you know which foods are triggers for you, and check the ingredients in each recipe to see if it contains foods that are triggers for you.

- Apricot Almond Bites
- Apricot Almond Protein Bites
- Arroz con Leche
- Atole de Fresa
- Banana Ice Cream
- Braised Fruit Crumble
- Caramelized Apple Cheesecake
- Chai Spiced Poached Pears
- Cheesecake
- Chewy Banana Nut Oatmeal Cookies
- Chocolate Avocado Pudding
- Coconut Pecan Date Rolls
- Creamy Peach Yogurt Pops
- Creme Brulee
- Creme Caramel (Flan)
- Eggless Chocolate Cake
- Fudgy Black Bean Brownies
- Grilled Summer Fruit
- Key Lime Yogurt Pops
- Mango Sorbet
- Orange Sherbet
- Pumpkin Cheesecake
- Pumpkin Crème Brûlée
- Pumpkin Tarts
- Roasted Pears
- Strawberry Sorbet
- Strawberry Yogurt Parfait
- Sweet Potato Tarts
- Tiramisu
- Whipped Cream
- Yogurt Whipped Cream