
Sweet Potato Latkes



Serving size

2 latkes
30 Minutes

This recipe can be multiplied but does not make very good leftovers.

Sweet Potato Latkes


1 pound Sweet potato (grated)
3 Tbsp. Chickpea flour
1 large Egg(s) (whisked)
1 tsp. Ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp. Ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp. Salt
1 to taste Black pepper
4 tsp. Olive oil


Place the grated sweet potatoes in a large mixing bowl.

Add the cinnamon, nutmeg, salt and pepper and fold together.

Sprinkle the chick pea flour over the top and fold together.

Add the egg and fold together until well blended.

Divide into eight piles and then pat together into small pancakes.

Place two teaspoons olive oil in a large skillet over medium high heat.

When the oil is hot add the pancakes.

Cook on one side for about 5 minutes. Adjust the heat so that the oil is not too hot and the pancakes don't burn.

Add the remaining oil to the pan.

Turn the pancakes and cook for 3 to 5 minutes.


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GERD / Acid Reflux

No specific GERD triggers.


This recipe is safe for those who are lactose intolerant.

Coumadin® (Warfarin)

This recipe is safe for Coumadin (warfarin) users.

Gluten Sensitivity

This recipe is safe for those who are sensitive to gluten.


This is a low sodium recipe.

Recipe Notes

You can go any way that strikes your fancy with these. The cinnamon and nutmeg take the flavor sweeter, but you can use sage, for example, and come out with a great savory taste. These would also lend themselves well to spicy Cajun or Southwestern flavors.

"It is easy to halve the potato where there is love."

Irish Proverb