Garlic Infused Oil (FODMAP)
32Serving size
1 Tbsp
45 minutes
<2 hours (overnight is best)

2 cup Olive oil |
6 clove Garlic, raw (cut in half) |
Heat oil in a small pot on medium high heat until the oil is warm but not hot (you want to avoid burning the oil, if it is smoking, it is too hot).
Add garlic to oil and infuse on low heat for about 25 minutes.
Remove from heat and let sit uncovered for at least two hours or overnight.
Strain garlic oil into a clear glass jar using a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth. Make sure to remove all garlic pieces from the oil.
Seal jar and store in the refridgerator.

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This recipe is safe for those who are lactose intolerant.Recipe Notes
Great addition to salads, pastas, or any recipe that calls for garlic! all