
Parsnip French Fries



Serving size

about 4 ounces fries
60 Minutes

This recipe can easily be multiplied and leftovers are good in salads.

Parsnip French Fries


16 ounces Parsnips, raw
1 quart Ice water
1/4 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. Dried rosemary (crumbled)
1 to taste Black pepper
1 spray Spray olive oil


Peel the parsnips and cut lengthwise into the shape of thick French fries.

Place them in a mixing bowl with cold water and ice cubes.

Soak for 30 minutes.

Preheat oven to 400°F.

After soaking the parsnips, drain them and then pat dry with a paper towel.

Place the parsnips and salt in a zipper bag with the rosemary and pepper.

Spray the potatoes for about three seconds with the oil and seal the zipper bag.

Shake to coat the potatoes well with the oil and salt.

Carefully place the parsnips on a non-stick cookie sheet. Avoid the fries touching each other.

Spray lightly with the oil.

Place the cookie sheet in the oven and allow the parsnips to bake for about 7 minutes.

Turn the parsnips at least twice, cooking for about 7 minutes after each turn.

Total cooking time will be 20 – 25 minutes.

Serve immediately.

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GERD / Acid Reflux

No specific GERD triggers.


This recipe is safe for those who are lactose intolerant.

Coumadin® (Warfarin)

This recipe is NOT safe for Coumadin (warfarin) users.

Gluten Sensitivity

This recipe is safe for those who are sensitive to gluten.


This is a low sodium recipe.

Recipe Notes

These are a great alternative to French Fries (even the oven baked version). They have about 3 times the fiber of fries made from potatoes and are sweet and delicious. The rosemary, olive oil and pepper give them a fantastic flavor, but you could use almost any herb or spice that appeals to you.

Oven fried foods are just like deep-fried ones, if you handle them right. Most of the time, you have to eat the dish right away. These Parsnip French Fries, for instance, will keep for all of about 20 minutes (about the amount of time as ones that have been deep fried).

"Zen... does not confuse spirituality with thinking about God while one is peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes."

Alan W. Watts, The Way of Zen