
Artichoke Dip



Serving size

about 1/4 cup
15 Minutes

This recipe can be multiplied or divided by 2 and keeps well in the refrigerator for 3-5 days.

Artichoke Dip


15 ounce Artichoke Hearts (Canned) (packed in water)
1/4 cup Fat free mayonnaise
2 ounce Skim milk mozzarella (grated)
1/4 tsp., ground Dried tarragon
1 to taste Black pepper


Drain the artichoke hearts and place in a food processor. Process for about 5 seconds.

Add the mayonnaise, mozzarella, tarragon and pepper. Process until almost smooth.

When ready to serve, place the dip in a glass dish. Put the dish in the microwave and heat in 30 second intervals, stirring well.

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GERD / Acid Reflux

No specific GERD triggers.


This recipe contains cheese and some of those who are lactose intolerant may be able to tolerate it.

Coumadin® (Warfarin)

This recipe is safe for Coumadin (warfarin) users.

Gluten Sensitivity

This recipe is safe for those who are sensitive to gluten. Check for modified food starch in mayonnaise. Check for flour or modified food starch in pre-shredded cheese.


This is a low sodium recipe.

Recipe Notes

Often the flavor of the artichokes is lost in recipes that have tons of salt and fat. This version balances the cheesy, creamy flavor so the artichokes are front and center.

Most canned or bottled artichoke hearts contain a lot of salt. The average per “serving” is about 380 mg of sodium. That works out to a little over 1/8 teaspoon per a serving of about 3 artichoke hearts.

A good alternative to canned is frozen artichoke hearts, but they’re less widely available. Trader Joe’s sells them and there’s only 50 mg sodium in a 3/4 cup serving. If you find the frozen and use them in this recipe you’ll need about 2 cups. Add 1/8 teaspoon of salt and taste. Depending on how much sodium is in the artichokes you purchase, you may need 1/4 teaspoon.

"At a dinner party one should eat wisely but not too well, and talk well but not too wisely."

W. Somerset Maugham, Novelist