Decreasing the amount of land animal protein in your diet is a good idea.
More importantly not eating processed meat is a really good idea Bologna is bad for you. Not a little bad, but a lot bad, and this holds true for most processed meats. Eating hamburger is OK, pork chops not bad, chicken is fine, but not most deli meats.
A study published in the journal of the American Heart Association, Circulation (2010;121:2271-2283), took a closer look at the connection between red meat and processed meats and heart disease and diabetes. The researchers reviewed the data from over 20 studies and grouped the respondents into rising levels of red meat consumption, from less than 1 serving per week to 1 or more servings per day. They also created similar groups for amounts of processed meats as well as a combination of both red meat and processed meats as a total.
Those who ate 1 serving of red meat per day were at no greater risk of heart disease than those who ate less than 1 serving per week. The same was true of the risk of diabetes. Each serving of processed meat (bacon, salami, hot dogs, etc.) eaten per day led to a 42% increase in risk of heart disease and a 19% increase in risk of diabetes.
Each serving per day of meat, both processed and unprocessed, tended to show a higher risk of heart disease, but these findings were strongly skewed by two studies. If those two studies were excluded, the risk fell to near normal. The risk of diabetes rose 12% for each serving of all types of meat (both red and processed, but not including poultry or fish).
Looking at the Mediterranean diet literature reveals that those cultures consume less meat and eat leaner meats than those in Western cultures. The research shows that they consume an average of 4 ounces or less of meat per day (adjusted for an 1,800 calorie per day diet). While they do consume cured meats, those are made without the amount of chemicals that are found in highly processed products such as hot dogs.
A lot of prospective research has focused on the effect of consuming less meat as well as the impact of specific types of meat. In one study, a group consuming lean beef or pork as part of a lower fat diet showed improvements in cholesterol profiles similar to those who ate fish and chicken instead. This appears to be result of the negative effect that foods higher in saturated fat have on cholesterol profiles. (Am J Clin Nutr January 2012 vol. 95 no. 1 9-16)
In studies looking at the habits of normal weight people, the difference between normal weight and overweight is as small as about 200 calories and replacing a serving of meat with a serving of fruit. (J Am Diet Assoc 2006;106;833-840)
As with other components of the Mediterranean Diet, it's not just the risk of heart disease that improves when making changes. Eating less meat and choosing meats that are lower in saturated fat is clearly linked to reduced cancer rates. One study showed that those who consumed high fat meats and processed meats had much higher rates of colon or rectal cancer. The increased rate was significant at over 40%. The group eating the most poultry and fish had reduced rectal cancer rates, with a decrease in risk of 19% and as much as a 30% lower risk of other colon cancers. (J Nutr, 2007;137(4):999-1004)
There have been similar results in research on meat consumption and other cancers, including breast cancer and skin cancer. Data from the Nurses Health Study, for example, showed a link between some types of breast cancers and eating more red meat. The association held true whether the measurement of red meat was in servings or by total weight consumed. (Arch Intern Med, 2006;166(20):2253-2259)
How to make this a part of your life is covered in detail in later essays in this series on remaking your pantry, but here are a few simple ideas for now:
When you are choosing meats, look for leaner cuts.
Make lean cuts of beef, like flank steak, top round, eye of round, and London broil your choices for red meats. Choose the leanest hamburger you can find: the lowest fat content in the grocery store. Generally this is labeled as 5% fat content, 95% lean or 95/5.
Pork can be as lean as skinless chicken. For instance, pork tenderloin has about the same calories, fat and saturated fat as a skinless chicken breast. Lean pork chops are similar and a good choice as well.
Try to keep your consumption of land animal proteins to no more often than once per week.
Choosing to eat healthy means that you can make meat part of your life. Select great, lean cuts and enjoy them, but make them less a part of your life by eating more fish as well as having more meatless meals.
The How and Why of healthy eating. Everything from why you should eat breakfast to whether red meat or coffee is bad or good for you, all in straightforward terms.