I eat three teaspoons of unsweetened cocoa powder daily. Is this harmful? I understand that cocoa powder is rich in healthy benefits.
There should be no problem with consuming the three teaspoons of unsweetened cocoa powder. There has been a lot of research that indicates the antioxidants including polyphenols and flavonoids are very beneficial.
Here are some articles for further reading:
Hot Chocolate for High Blood Pressure?
The Health of It All: Chocolate is good for you!
There are literally hundreds of studies that have looked at cocoa and how it may have a variety of health benefits:
Dark chocolate and blood pressure: a novel study from Jordan
Consumption of cocoa flavanols results in an acute improvement in visual and cognitive functions
Flavanol-rich cocoa ameliorates lipemia-induced endothelial dysfunction
A tablespoon (3 teaspoons) of cocoa contains only 12 calories. There is very little fat in unsweetened cocoa so the amount you are having every day should be safe.
Thanks for writing,
Reviewed by: 05/21/2023
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